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Social Development in Early Years

social-development-in-early-yearsCOVID-19 has brought massive changes to the world. It also highlighted some issues that were swept under the rug – mental health, for one. Connecting with our loved ones and friends has been our weapon in fighting against mental health issues during the pandemic. Thus, our social skills must be developed in the early stages of life. Enrolling your child in a preschool in Potomac, Maryland, makes this possible.

When your child is with A To Z Fun Care Preschool & Child Care Center, holistic growth is ensured. Along with cognitive and psychomotor development, we prepare activities catered to strengthen these values.

  • Social Relationships
    Learning how to build positive relationships helps children thrive. We help them care for and respond to others through group tasks and plays.
  • Self-Concept
    Identifying and managing our emotions is a life skill. It helps us face the realities of life. We integrate activities that help them form a self-concept so they can take responsibility, handle failures and distress, and express preferences.
  • Self-Direction
    The acquired knowledge and skills each child learn in a daycare center are useless without proper application. We provide an avenue to assess if they can follow rules and routines and maintain attention. We assist those who need it to apply their knowledge and adapt to their environment.

If you are looking for a provider of child care in Maryland that understands how significant values development is in life, talk to us.

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